Two Submissions about Kristin: “While at a medical conference, there was a physician who displayed inappropriate behavior toward me. While the inappropriate physician unabashedly followed me, Kristin stayed by my side, making sure I was never alone. Not only did she ensure my safety throughout the conference, she offered to leave the conference early when the inappropriate behavior became too uncomfortable for me to stay.”
“I wish words could describe how grateful I am to have Kristin as my “big.” This is an assigned role, and Kristin has gone above and beyond from Day 1. At the start of each new block, she would send me a list of great resources to help me in my studies–I wouldn’t even ask for her advice or tell her I was in a new block; she somehow knew my schedule, too, and had a list ready to go. Her advice was so helpful that my classmates began asking me what resources Kristin recommended. She became much of the Class of 2025’s “big,” and we are indebted to her unfailing guidance throughout our pre-clinical years. (Not only did she give amazing advice on what resources would be high yield for our exams/STEP, she also set me up with research opportunities). I don’t think UFCOM has ever seen such an amazing student mentor.”