Academic year 2011-2012
Fostering Humanism in Medicine Discussion Schedule
The Chapman Chapter of the Gold Humanism Honor Society at the University of Florida is a group, part of a larger movement, that seeks to foster humanism in medicine. Importantly, it seeks to address concerns about how modern medical practice faces challenges to maintaining positive, compassionate physician-patient relationships.
This discussion series enables medical students to raise and discuss these issues and to brainstorm on ways to maintain their own humanism and passion for medical practice.
Please join 4th year members of the Chapman Chapter of the Gold Humanism Honor Society- student, resident and faculty- for discussion of readings and questions related to humanistic, reflective practice! All are welcome and lunch will be provided.
September 14 @ noon- What is humanism?
Room CG-41/42
What IS humanism?
How does humanism make the practice of medicine a pleasure?
How is humanism different from professionalism? Is it different?
What are empathy and compassion?
Can they be taught? How can they be maintained?
Marcus, E. Empathy, Humanism and the Professionalization Process of Medical Education.,_humanism,_and_the_professionalization.14.aspx
Professionalism key to care of difficult patients.
September 27 @ noon Writing and Humanism…
Room: CG-56
How has writing- such as Samuel Shem’s House of God- served as a form of resistance to dehumanization in medicine? What are other ways to use the arts and humanities to counteract dehumanization?
Shem, Samuel. Fiction as Resistance.
October 10 @ noon- The experience of anatomy…considering the book “Dissection” (in the Maren Room)
Room: CG-41/42
Anatomy has been called the initiation into medicine, cadavers have been called the first patient- or first teacher. It also can be a time to reflect on and process the emotions that accompany the experience. What were/are your reflections on the experience? How important is the experience for becoming a physician and why do we now think it is important to view the cadaver from a humanistic perspective?
October 24 @ noon Barriers to humanistic practice
Room: CG-41/42
What are some barriers/issues that can make maintenance of humanism difficult in medical school and medical practice?
Bedell, Susanna E., T. B. Graboys, E. Bedell, Bernard Lown. Words that Harm, Words that heal.
Nelson, Kristie L. She was hideous…
Rousseau, Paul. “Rounds.” JAMA May 2, 2007, Vol 297, no 17: 1859-1860
The Devil is in the Third Year: A Longitudinal Study of Erosion of Empathy in Medical School
November 7 @ noon Symbols, humanism and professionalism Room: CG-41/42
How do we define or redefine humanism to include professionalism? How do we use symbols, such as the white coat, to support humanism- or set medicine apart?
Goldberg, Judah. Humanism or Professionalism? The White Coat Ceremony and Medical Education.
December 2 @ noon Humanism and organizations
Room: CG-56
How can an organization work to maintain humanism?
How can you act to influence others through your behavior and example?
As teachers and educators?
What forms of teaching are available to you as a student, resident, physician?
Azer, Samy A. The qualities of a good teacher…
Wright, Scott M. and Joseph A. Carrese. Excellence in Role modeling…
December 7 @ noon How to cope with stresses during medical school…
Room: CG-56
Special discussion on depression in medical school with 4th year students.
Virginia Chen. Medical Student Burnout and the Challenge to Patient Care.
January 10 @ noon Humanism and individuals
Room: TBA
How can we act as individuals to maintain humanism?
How do individuals recognized for their humanistic traits maintain that humanism?
Rosenow, E.C., III. Ten rules for keeping the art of medicine alive in daily practice. Virtual Mentor 2006,8:464-465
Kirkpatrick, J.N. and Groninger, H. Putting it All Together- the art and science of medicine. Virtual Mentor. 2006,8:452-458 Plack, Margaret M. The Reflective Practitioner…