All Posts by

Nina Stoyan-Rosenzweig

Chapman Induction Banquet

This annual banquet inducted faculty, residents, and students through the UF Resident Chapter and UME chapter.

GHHS National Conference

Held in Chicago March 31 and April 1, the conference brought together chapters from across the country.  UF chapter members Faiz Jiwani and Kathleen Park attended, as did Nina Stoyan-Rosenzweig, who presented with Linda Stone, MD on medical humanities and arts in the clinical and medical education setting.

2016 GHHS Compassionate Care Solidarity Week

During the GHHS Compassionate Care Solidarity Week, February 15-19, the Chapman Chapter at UF participated in the Tell Me More Project and sponsored a talk by GHHS member and Hippocratic Award winner, Dr. Robert Hollander.

2013 GHHS Humanism Solidarity Day Events

February 14th, 2013 is the national GHHS Humanism Solidarity Day in which chapters of the GHHS take time to remember and honor humanism! This year, the Chapman Chapter  will staff a table with materials to help folks craft thank yous to staff, food techs and other people whose efforts- sometimes unnoticed- make the…

GHHS Humanism Solidarity Day

February 14th is the national GHHS Humanism Solidarity Day in which chapters of the GHHS take time to remember and honor humanism! This year, the Chapman Chapter  will staff a table with materials to help folks craft thank yous to staff, food techs and other people whose efforts- sometimes unnoticed- make the hospital…